Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Unsure about how to get started on social media? Want to level up your content? Then read on!


Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

Create a list that has up to five subjects that you can rotate among so you’ll never run out of content. Here’s my suggested list: expertise (professional, personal or both), lifestyle (such as your hobbies), your aspirations/goals and what you’re doing to achieve them, fun facts/news, engaging content (such as trivia questions).


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

We all – or at least most of us – own smart phones with high quality cameras, using HiRes images are a social media rule of thumb. We’ve become conditioned to be attracted to visuals over text content.

Pre-pandemic, I’d suggest organising a photoshoot whether for you or your organisation. It might still still be alright to get your products shot professionally.

In the meantime, I recommend checking out free Royalty-Free image sites such as Unsplash and Pexels


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Do you tend to forget about posting on social media, only to panic and feel overwhelmed so you post something random or not post anything at all?

Then I have three words for you: social media planner

There are many platforms that can help you centralise all of your accounts’ posts and schedule them so you can then prepare everything ahead of time. This can then free you to focus on other tasks.

Some platforms you can explore include Hootsuite, Buffer, and Later


These tips may be simple but don’t underestimate their impact. One of the most important things you’ll be able to reclaim is your time, something that’s becoming more precious every day.

Follow me on Instagram for tips on growing your social media presence, creating unique content, and connecting with your audience.

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